The Success Manifestation Clearing PROCESS

If you have a heart’s desire and it has not manifested in your life, there is a block, an obstruction, in your energy system.  An energy block that is strong enough to keep your desire away from you is like a dam in a stream.  It has many components.  

This process is designed to help you to dismantle the “dam” or obstruction in consciousness one “stone” at a time.  When you see the connections, relationships, and patterns that have been active, you have choices. You can choose to successfully clear the way for your energy to flow fully and freely.  You can choose to change life-diminishing thinking and nourish your new choices with the breath.  This process begins with the creation of a foundation of acknowledgement and gratitude.  Love in the form of acknowledgement and gratitude leads to an experience of completion and satisfaction.  

1. Write the following set of 3 statements 5 times, filling in the spaces where indicated. (Do not limit yourself, if you feel that you want to write more)


(This can be either what you consider positive, or negative.  The purpose is to deepen your awareness of yourself as a creative Source.)  

I AM GRATEFUL TO . . . (name) . . . FOR SUPPORTING ME TO MANIFEST . . . (what you have just acknowledged yourself for) . . . IN MY LIFE!


* When possible, speak one of each of your declarations to another person.  When doing the process alone, speak each declaration aloud.

2. Identify a condition, attitude, or thing that you desire and have not manifested in your life. Your statement of intention written and spoken is a powerful personal choice . . .    the first step in bringing it into form.  True commitment attracts all that is needed for completion and fulfilment.  Write and speak your commitment to creation in this form:

MY INTENTION IS TO CLEAR THE BLOCK IN MY ENERGY SYSTEM TO HAVING . . . (condition, attitude, or thing)! 

3. Write your fears about having this condition, attitude or thing. (At least 10)

4. Write what you think or do or say to block yourself from having what you say that you want. (At least 10)

An energy blockage is frozen fear.  Fear in any form stops the flow of life energy.  It is safe to examine each aspect of thinking or behaviour that keeps you from having what you want.  Remember! You are not any of your thoughts or feelings.  Who you are is THE ONE who chooses where to place your attention and energy.  Each of the items you have written in response to numbers 3 and 4 is a piece of the whole, and just as important as any other piece.  The following instructions refer to these items as “blocks”.

5. Choose 5 blocks/fears from number 3 and 5 blocks from number 4 for the purpose of the clearing.  You will know if you need to do more.  Do the following steps, a. to d., with each of the blocks:

  1. State the block or fear. (One of the items from numbers 3 and 4)

  2. State your experience of the block, your feelings and thoughts.

  3. State why you think that you hold on to the block. What are your reasons? What are your rewards?

  4. Create 3 or 4 affirmations that lay the foundation for a new State of Being.

                                                                                                                      © Binnie A. Dansby